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Macbeth Noir Imagery Essay

Act 1 Scene 3, Page 61 All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail,...

Staging Macbeth

I think the original Polanski and the Modernized Lady Macbeth were both appealing to me, First, the original Polanski movie showed Lady...

Journal: Be a man

In the book, the word "Man" is mostly used by Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself, but comparing to the real world. the book's "Man" shows...

Journal: Signifying nothing

I think that the goal of life and the major ultimate ending we all gonna have is death, but however, we are being given the life to...

Earth Day Torchee

My partner was Ezra. Conflict makes war, that leads to violence. It brings nothing, but judgement and fear, which brings death for all...

Iambic Pentameter

As COLD as WINTER as COLD as HIS hearT, his SOUL is DROWNED in INNOCENT blood, CROUCHES up to REACH the THRONE, YET he CANNOT bear the...

Theme Cards

April 15th

Playlist a Life

April 15th


April 12th This was the act where Macbeth was drinking the greeny stuff from the witches.

Cut Up Quotes

April 12th.

Journal: Modern Macbeth

I don't really know a lot of government officers, but I think that there are indeed a lot of governors doing the things like how Macbeth...

Journal: Imagiphor

This concludes the Break for me, however I took this picture in 2018 December on the Winter Break. I was supposed to go to Japan again in...

Color Palette

Lady Macbeth First, the red color represents the blood spilled out from the people who Lady Macbeth had killed. Second, the Yellow color...

Peer Prompt Journal

This prompt is from Kian Kajioka. 1. What are your opinions on trust? I think that trust is something where it is hard to get, but once...

Macbeth film reflection

while comparing the two reviews, the one from mike was a bit biased saying the film was like film-friendly film and he had contradicted...

Journal: Fate

First, I do not have any religious belief, but I do believe that each person's life is being predetermined, and we can never contribute...

Oreo Challenge

This is the INGSOC logo from the book 1984 by George Orwell. I think that this resembles the biggest idea from the book, the idea where...

Journal: Peer Prompt

A prompt from Teagan Inoue If you could relive a moment, which moment would you like to go back? One of my favorite moment was where I...

The Controversial Student

I have seen a news article before, and in that news it says that a bunch of students had surrounded around a vietnam war veteran and was...

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