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  • Writer's pictureHitoki Kidahashi

Peer Prompt Journal

This prompt is from Kian Kajioka.

1. What are your opinions on trust?

I think that trust is something where it is hard to get, but once you can establish trust with someone, then you have made a deep bonding relationship with that person, no matter in a friendly way or relationship way. But I think that you cannot just ask someone for putting a chance on you and trust you, but you need to prove your trustworthy to the person and let them believe in you. To me, I think that if you don't trust that person, then that person will never trust you back.

2. If you had a day to do anything you want/could, what would you do?

If I can do anything I want, then I would want a day to just relax and enjoy the moment of a day with no one by me but just me sitting in a grass open field to watch the sky and take a nap under a tree.

3. What is your version of a perfect reality.

I think that the ultimate goal in human life as a biological view is to reproduce and pass on your DNA, but I think that for us humans, we need to enjoy our life. We don't need to have a super rich life like being the most successful person in the world, but just to enjoy the life we had. I think that happiness is the most important overall, definitely beyond the weigh of money. For me, I think that a perfect life can be having a good job at a urban city, having a wife and kids. I think that will bring joy into my life and to have a fulfill life before I die.

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